We are not born with boundless self-confidence. If someone seems to be unbelievably self-confident, it is because he or she has dealt with it for a long time with a conscious mind. So it is important to know how to deal with ‘confidence’ so that the challenge of life does not deflate it. P. C.: Google Image You might know, over diet and poor diet both are injurious to our health. The presence of confidence in you also works in the same way as the ‘balanced diet’. No, do not get me wrong, you do not find ‘confidence’ in the balanced diet! What I mean is if there is a lack of confidence, you have got a problem and if you have over-confidence, it is more than a problem. In one hand, over-confidence makes you arrogant like ‘I can do everything!’ On the other hand, less or no confidence stops you literally in everywhere and grows ‘can’t do’ attitude. Both situations are detrimental to your well-being. So you need to balance it and it is challenging but not impossible to achieve....