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Greed has started poisoning the human souls: Values and ethics to repair the loosen fabric construct of the society

On one side there is a teacher who abused his female students, on the other side there is another teacher who was ill-treated by the leading members of the village. It is a matter of grave concern that such incidents are rising at an alarming rate. Lots of reports are there in newspapers where we see the parents killing their children, children killing their parents, and the spouse killing his /her partner and so on. These are the most sensational cases considering the nature of the relationships between the victims and the victimisers.

Very recently we have been observing the very emergence of Young Gang Culture in the cities with its aggressive and destructive faces. Basically, very young school/college students who are supposed to be soft minded are the members of such gangs.

Photo: Google Image 

The perspective I would like to focus light on is that it’s not about the profession or the relation, but it’s about the changing minds and human nature in society. Maybe the statistical rate of this negative change is not a high one but such a change itself is alarming because it is not a normal social behavior. The recurrence of such news feeds clearly say that there is a start of shifting social paradigm meaning that the fabric construct of the society is getting loose and deforming.

The before-mentioned cases are fatal but there are some other non-fatal cases too. Once upon a time, teachers used to admonish the students to rule them and nowadays they are afraid of even raising any points against the students because some of the students have become so violent that he (the teacher) might be ended up by being beaten up by them. At the same time, some of the teachers also have become so much self-centric and commercialized that they don’t even think of the students’ betterment, let alone personal involvement with the students for their developments.

The doctors don’t even bother whether their patients are dying or getting pain or whatsoever but they really bother about their fees and all. I can’t help mentioning a very recent case that happened with my spouse. We visited a renowned Professor for her mild knee injury. To my utter surprise, he did not even check the knee physically for once and suggested an expensive MRI test on an urgent basis. However, he was quick enough to pass us and started talking to the other patient who was waiting on stand in the consultation room (not in the waiting room, though there was one).

On the very day of the second consultation with the test report, I got the second surprise. He did not even bother to check a single image of MRI but only the comments/impressions. After that he just prescribed some medicines and an exercise. I tried to talk to him several times to understand what is going on but he was careless and was just switching to next patient. Maybe I have written too many words for the doctors but that’s not my intention to do as I said it is not about the profession but human members of the society.

Let’s go to the other part of the society. Do the vegetable/fruit sellers for once think of the consumers who are consuming huge amount of toxic formalin given by them? Do the retailers even think of deadly consequences of selling adulterated food or other consumer goods whether it is for adult or infant? The single answer will be ‘No’. What does it indicate? Some people of the society are becoming reckless and they are just thinking of themselves forgetting what is happening to others or to the country. Nothing and nobody touches them.

Greed has started poisoning human souls. The greed for money, the greed for fame, the greed for leadership! And this is not a good story indeed!

Maybe I am talking too much emotionally but the reality is it is happening - the change of normal human nature in our society. We really need to bring the society back to its normal behavior. Extensive researches should be done to understand the root causes for such a shift in social paradigm. The sooner we can take measures against such negativity in the society, the better it is for the future of our next generation society. But in the interim I would like to draw attention of the education ministry to include the lessons of values and ethics with utmost importance in our primary education because the students of that stage are really like clay. If we could cultivate good values and ethics in their minds from the very beginning through primary education, we might expect them to demonstrate normal social behavior.

The article was published on The Daily Sun on June 11, 2017
