I am really excited to hear that the 24th batch of FVM at CVASU is nearing graduation. It is such fantastic news for me! I remember meeting some of you in my tutorial group back in 2019, and now, here you are, just a couple of months away from graduation. Time really does fly! I truly wish each of you a smooth and successful completion of this process.
I would like to give you a message in this write-up. While getting an educational qualification is essential, it is not everything. We have hundreds of thousands of graduates, but we are still struggling as a society. Look around yourself! What hurtful things do you see? People do not respect each other. Sometimes, we do not behave appropriately. We show our arrogance, thinking we are the best among others. We do not try to listen to others. People are dying to make money in any way. They do not care if it is the right way or wrong way. They only want to gain money. People do not have any other purpose in life other than making money.
The addiction to money and being disrespectful are alone enough to take society to trash where it is forgotten we are human beings. We need to look for one another, help and be nice to one another and live in peace with a purpose. By saying so, I am not undermining the importance of money in our lives. It is essential, but do not make it a life's purpose. When money is the purpose, no human ethics can work. Not only that, like any other drug addiction, money addiction also snatches your life energy and peace of mind. No examples are needed to clarify this; just look around and see our social context. You will see the evidence of my claims.Image: Jenny Garrett (2024)
Irrespective of your position, respecting each other is a social beauty and construct of society. Thinking 'we are the best' can only make us arrogant, built on false pride, which is exactly what is happening in society. This false pride is probably the root cause of building our mentality to disrespect our fellows. Your fellow could be inferior to you in terms of money, knowledge, social status, job position, age, or anything else, but such inferiority does not give you the license to be rude or disrespectful to them. Remember, in most cases, superiority or inferiority is just a chance given to you, like age. You are older than someone else because you were born earlier. Similarly, knowledge, social status, job positions, etc., you are able to earn it because of your contextual privilege. Looking back at your life, you will undoubtedly find a contextual privilege that brought you here to study Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, but not your meritorious fellow who also deserved it. It means all these life earnings do not make you superior to your fellows, as everyone has different life contexts. A wise person can not compare himself with others to make himself better when there is no level playing field. Once we understand this, no one can ever disrespect his fellows.
In wrapping up, I would like to advise you to find a greater purpose in life other than earning money and always try to respect your fellows even if they do not respect you. Remember, this is the wisdom of life; not all knowledgeable persons are wise.
All the best wishes!
3 March 2024
I would like to give you a message in this write-up. While getting an educational qualification is essential, it is not everything. We have hundreds of thousands of graduates, but we are still struggling as a society. Look around yourself! What hurtful things do you see? People do not respect each other. Sometimes, we do not behave appropriately. We show our arrogance, thinking we are the best among others. We do not try to listen to others. People are dying to make money in any way. They do not care if it is the right way or wrong way. They only want to gain money. People do not have any other purpose in life other than making money.
The addiction to money and being disrespectful are alone enough to take society to trash where it is forgotten we are human beings. We need to look for one another, help and be nice to one another and live in peace with a purpose. By saying so, I am not undermining the importance of money in our lives. It is essential, but do not make it a life's purpose. When money is the purpose, no human ethics can work. Not only that, like any other drug addiction, money addiction also snatches your life energy and peace of mind. No examples are needed to clarify this; just look around and see our social context. You will see the evidence of my claims.Image: Jenny Garrett (2024)
Irrespective of your position, respecting each other is a social beauty and construct of society. Thinking 'we are the best' can only make us arrogant, built on false pride, which is exactly what is happening in society. This false pride is probably the root cause of building our mentality to disrespect our fellows. Your fellow could be inferior to you in terms of money, knowledge, social status, job position, age, or anything else, but such inferiority does not give you the license to be rude or disrespectful to them. Remember, in most cases, superiority or inferiority is just a chance given to you, like age. You are older than someone else because you were born earlier. Similarly, knowledge, social status, job positions, etc., you are able to earn it because of your contextual privilege. Looking back at your life, you will undoubtedly find a contextual privilege that brought you here to study Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, but not your meritorious fellow who also deserved it. It means all these life earnings do not make you superior to your fellows, as everyone has different life contexts. A wise person can not compare himself with others to make himself better when there is no level playing field. Once we understand this, no one can ever disrespect his fellows.
In wrapping up, I would like to advise you to find a greater purpose in life other than earning money and always try to respect your fellows even if they do not respect you. Remember, this is the wisdom of life; not all knowledgeable persons are wise.
All the best wishes!
3 March 2024
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