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Study abroad with scholarship: Guidelines for beginners

Those who are interested in post-graduation abroad should plan ahead of time. Remember, it might take at least 1 year to fully understand the whole process and then get the chance to have the admission. I would like to share my personal views on the steps for preparing for higher education abroad. Step 1. Determine your subject and what type of degree (Coursework or Research or a blend) you want to achieve with self-conviction. Step 2. Make a list of the countries where you want to study. Because depending on the country, admission requirements, funding sources, application and admission process and graduation time change. All these are vital considerable facts to make a plan in accordance with your need. For example, not all country requires GRE for application and if you choose such a country and take full-time GRE preparation, you are wasting your time. Again, in the UK most of the Masters programs are one-year but in Australia, the minimum length of Masters is 1.5 yea

Can I be a Leader?

Leadership is one of the key skills to acquire better employability and future up-gradation in your career. Be it business or be it job, you can never skip this skill for growth. Leadership is all about your mindset and absolute positive attitude. A good leader never says he is a leader but his activities show that he is the leader and he clearly stands out of the crowd. A true leader never shows off rather he is very honest on his purpose and he just keeps going on to reach the purpose. Now the question comes: Can I be a leader? Can anyone be a leader? How to develop leadership skills? The very first answer is, yes, you can be a leader. In fact, anyone can be a leader by acquiring some skills and qualities. Source: Google Image To be a leader, first of all, you need to determine that you have to develop the skill. Then you need to understand what it really means to be a leader. Once you understand the true meaning of the leadership, you will know what to develop

Self-motivational kits for tertiary students: A brief guide to purposeful destination

In my little experience in tertiary teaching profession, I have found that most of the students do not find any meaningful purpose for their higher education. They are blindly running after getting grades and degrees and they believe with those degrees they will get a good or a random job meaning they grow a money-making tendency. By this time, they miss to find the bigger picture of the mind and do not see any meaningful purpose which can satisfy their minds and motivate them to do hard work to accomplish the purpose. Eventually, many of them feel extremely frustrated and consider their coursework as a great burden. But why? Probably, because of lack of expressive purpose, they cannot convince their mind to go for extra mileage in terms of hard work. Verily, just a job cannot be the purpose of life, as there is something deeper inside which feeds our soul to go beyond our capacity to thrive and grow. That’s the purpose! Say for example, someone likes to work in a hospital as a d

ভেটেরিনারী পেশা: একটি সাধারণ দৃষ্টিকোণলব্ধ উপলব্ধি

প্রাণী চিকিৎষকের পেশাকে ভেটেরিনারী পেশা ( Veterinary Profession ) বলা হয়ে থাকে। প্রাণী চিকিৎষকদের সংক্ষেপে ভেট ( Vet ) - এই ডাকনামে ডাকা হয়। আমরা হয়ত অনেকে এই পেশা সম্পর্কে খুব বেশি একটা জানি না। বিশেষত কারো যদি কোন পোষা প্রাণী না থেকে থাকে কিংবা গৃহপালিত প্রাণী   পালন করা না দেখে থাকেন, তার পক্ষে প্রাণী চিকিৎষক সম্পর্কে না জানাটা খুবি স্বাভাবিক একটা ব্যাপার। আর মানুষ-প্রাণীর সম্পর্কের গভীরতা জানা ব্যতিরেকে ভেটেরিনারী পেশার মাহাত্ম্য বুঝা কঠিন। মানুষ ও প্রাণীর সম্পর্কও যে কত গভীর হতে পারে , কত আবেগঘন হতে পারে তা না দেখলে বুঝা দুষ্কর। ধরুন, ছোট্ট একটি শিশু।   সে কথা বলতে পারে না। আমরা যখন তাকে আদর করি, সে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করে তার শান্ত-মিষ্টি চাহনি আর নিষ্পাপ হাসি দিয়ে। তার এই শব্দহীন অব্যাক্ত প্রতিক্রিয়ায় আমরা খুব আনন্দ বোধ করি এই ভেবে যে, সে আমাদেরকে প্রত্যুত্তর দিচ্ছে আর আবেগি করছে।   এই যে নির্মোহ ভালোবাসার আদান-প্রদান, এতে কোন দেনা-পাওনার হিসেব নেই, আছে শুধু আবেগ আর হৃদয় নিংড়ানো টান। পোষা প্রাণীর ক্ষেত্রেও পালক মানুষ সেই একি আবেগের সন্ধান পায়। বোবা প্রাণীটি একটি ছোট্ট শিশ

Veterinary Profession: A non-vet perspective and perception

Perhaps one cannot realize how strong a relationship can be with an animal if he didn’t experience to keep a pet or didn’t see to raise a domestic animal. The bondage in no way is lesser than the human relationship which is particularly based on emotions. When a little kid communicates with us with its speechless cute smile and eye contact, we feel so good to receive the responses to our touch. We feel the heart touching emotions out of that very non-verbal communications. There is no give-and-take situation which signifies the innocence of love! The same situation emerges when you have a pet that can’t speak but respond gently, friendly and playfully. While you are at home, your pet follows you all the time. When it is the time to come back from the office or outside, he waits for you in front of the door as a family member does. They rush to you as soon as you enter the home to make you understand that he has missed you so much. Similarly, when the pet is out of your home, mean

‘Duronto Aatharo’ working in their Time Zone

Perhaps, ‘Duronto Aatharo’ is the most enthusiastic batch of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of CVASU. I have really got the feel of ‘Durontopona’ in each and every one of you, which have really kept the meaning of ‘Duronto’ vibrant. The amazing part is you were not only involved in the extra and co-curricular activities but also showed the excellence in your academic curricula. That is the perfect blend for any students of any given disciplines. I have found throughout my course that you are really open to embrace the new challenges and to offer the cent percent cooperation. That should be the ideal case what we expect from the students. I feel lucky that I have got such a nice starting in the very beginning of my university career. And I truly mean that. Simultaneously, I have also sensed the huge potentiality and caliber lying with you all. But you also need to believe in those potentials and calibers to bring the very best out of it. I do believe all the ‘Duronta’ bo

Need for Reformation and Good Governance in Education

The big size population is not a problem when they are human resources equipped with skills and knowledge. And one of the major aims of the education system is to develop human resources so that humans do not become a burden for a country. And that is why the education system is the most indispensable component of national development strategy. Any lacking of the system will contribute to lagging behind in development race. Overall education system: Our education system is producing hundreds, thousands of Masters Degree holders every year. In spite of this, it is surprising that still we are slowcoach in many development areas and we hire foreigners for the top positions of the big companies. So the question arises – if our graduates are not productive enough. A British Council sponsored report prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) on graduate unemployment in South Asia published earlier of 2015 estimated that 47% of the graduates are unemployed in Banglades